Tag: agriculture
Riding the Motorcade for Trade with Angela Hofmann
In this episode, the Trade Guys and Andrew welcome Angela Hofmann, the co-founder and co-executive director of [Farmers for Free Trade](https://farmersforfreetrade.com/) (FFT). On the last leg of the "Motorcade for Trade" tour in Washington D.C., Hofmann describes her journey meeting farmers nationwide, the USMCA, and what farmers say they need going forward. Follow FFT and the Motorcade's journey on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/FarmersForTrade?s=17) @FarmersForTrade.
Trade Guys on the Road: Georgetown University Edition
In this episode, the Trade Guys and Andrew hit the road to record in front of a live audience at Georgetown University. On the agenda was the status of the US-China talks and what the president means by a US-Japan deal. Students of CSIS Korea Chair Victor Cha’s Modern Asia class asked questions that the Trade Guys answered throughout the show.
Trade Guys Q&A
In this episode, the Trade Guys answer some of the top questions submitted by our listeners. What’s the timeline on auto tariffs? Why protect our farmers from foreign tariffs? The Trade Guys answer all this and more.
Hearing from the Heartland
Blake Hurst is a third-generation farmer and the president of the Missouri Farm Bureau. He joins the Trade Guys in the studio to offer insight on how the trade war is affecting farmers, other producers in the community, and the politics on the ground.
Counting Down to Tariff Time
The Trade Guys discuss the mayhem right before the United States pulls the trigger on imposing tariffs on China.
Trade War Hitting A Fever Pitch
The Trade Guys, Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch put President Trump’s notion that trade wars are “good, and easy to win” to the test.