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Trade experts Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch break down the buzz around trade, how it affects policy, and how it impacts your day-to-day.
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The Trade Guys is hosted every week by H. Andrew Schwartz and produced by Yumi Araki at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a bipartisan think tank in Washington, D.C.
Exit Trump, Enter Biden
In this episode, Andrew and the Trade Guys react to Vice President Biden winning the presidential election. They’ll break down how he’ll approach a packed trade agenda, a divided Congress, and China.
WTO DG Drama, the UK Goes Solo, and Trump in Review
In this episode, Andrew and the Trade Guys break down the U.S. decision to block the consensus pick for the next WTO Director-General. Plus, they’ll review the UK’s first post-Brexit trade deal with Japan. And they’ll review the last four years of trade policy under the Trump administration.
Brazil Mini-Deal, China's Own Entity List, and an Ag Check In
In this episode, guest host Jack Caporal and the Trade Guys break down the Trump administration's new mini deal with Brazil. They explain what's in it, why it matters, and why some lawmakers and private sector stakeholders aren't pleased with the agreement. Plus, we'll explain China's move to establish its own entity list, which could blacklist U.S. companies. And, farmers are receiving record levels of support - will the election change their trade fortunes?

billion dollars = the total value of trade between the U.S. and China in 2017. U.S. Census Bureau

A 21st Century Trade War
The Trump administration has launched an unparalleled trade war with enemies and allies alike. But it’s been generations since our last true trade war. So how will this play out in our modern age, and what are the stakes?
Trade Explained & Visualized
Make sense of complex trade trends, rules and lingo with short videos, hot takes, and interactive graphs.

Crash Course: Trade Policy with the Trade Guys
Are you new to international trade, or looking for a refresher course on American trade policy? CSIS Executive Education is pleased to offer "Crash Course," a one-day seminar on the fundamentals of U.S. international trade policy and politics.

The 50 States of Trade
The trade policy of the United States is determined at the federal level in Washington, DC, but it’s the 50 states that either reap its rewards or bear its costs. Explore each state's trade relationship with Canada, Mexico, the European Union, and China through this interactive map.
Ongoing Series
Trade Terms Explained
Understand the lingo, rules, and history of trade policy.
Trends in Trade
Meaningful data points and events in trade broken down into insightful gifs and interactives.
Ask us a question

We want your questions (there are no dumb ones!) Ask us. We'll answer them in the next podcast!