Tag: TPP
Midterm Elections and the Kiwi Ambassador Speaks
In this episode, the Trade Guys talk about how the midterm election results will affect trade policy. They also welcome the Honorable Tim Groser, New Zealand's Ambassador to the United States. Amb. Groser is one of the world's leading experts on international trade and was New Zealand's chief negotiator in the GATT Uruguay Round. Amb. Groser and the Guys discuss the CPTPP, the state of the WTO, China, and...the Donkey Theory of Management.

TPP Moves On, Without the United States
While President Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in his first week in office, the 11 remaining members of the agreement have stormed forward.

Services: How to Boost Trade and Shrink the Deficit at the Same Time
Chances are you do not work in agriculture or in manufacturing. In fact, four out of five jobs in the United States are in “services,” and 75 percent of U.S. GDP is derived from services.
To Be / Or Not to Be in the TPP
In this inaugural episode of The Trade Guys, Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch talk about a trade deal that’s made headlines: The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP.