Tag: Congress

Crash Course: Trade Policy with the Trade Guys
Are you new to international trade, or looking for a refresher course on American trade policy? CSIS Executive Education is pleased to offer "Crash Course," a one-day seminar on the fundamentals of U.S. international trade policy and politics.
U.S.-EU Trade
In this episode, Andrew and the Trade Guys discuss the USMCA signing ceremony and a possible U.S.- U.K. trade agreement. They also discuss the debate over chlorine-washed chickens on the U.S.-EU trade menu.
The Year Ahead in Trade
In this episode, Andrew and the Trade Guys kick off 2020 by looking ahead at what will happen this year in trade from the EU, Brexit, and China. They also discuss Sen. Elizabeth Warren's endorsement of the USMCA.
A Rare Bipartisan Feat
In this episode, Andrew and the Trade Guys catch you up on everything USMCA. Plus, the US-China saga continues while the WTO's appeals court is in limbo.
Politics of You-Smacka
Andrew and the Trade Guys discuss the USMCA on the campaign trail, China's play at the WTO, and more.
The U.S. and China Dribble On
In this episode, the Trade Guys and Jack Caporal (filling in for Andrew Schwartz) catch up on the U.S.-China negotiations, the NBA’s tough situation, and how businesses may become stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to China. They also look ahead at possible action on USMCA this fall.
A Value-Based Trade Policy
In this episode, The Trade Guys and Andrew discuss Senate Majority Mitch McConnell’s call for the president to resolve the U.S.-China trade war. Plus, there is talk of the administration limiting U.S. investment into China, a move that could have huge economic implications.
Trade Guys on the Road: The George Washington University Edition
In this episode, the Trade Guys and Andrew hit the road to record in front of the Centers for International Business Education and Research directors at The George Washington University. The event was organized by the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. On the agenda was the USMCA amid the impeachment inquiry, and the US-Japan deal.
Riding the Motorcade for Trade with Angela Hofmann
In this episode, the Trade Guys and Andrew welcome Angela Hofmann, the co-founder and co-executive director of [Farmers for Free Trade](https://farmersforfreetrade.com/) (FFT). On the last leg of the "Motorcade for Trade" tour in Washington D.C., Hofmann describes her journey meeting farmers nationwide, the USMCA, and what farmers say they need going forward. Follow FFT and the Motorcade's journey on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/FarmersForTrade?s=17) @FarmersForTrade.
Throwing the Last of the Luggage on Board
In this episode, Trade Guy Scott reports back from the Windy City and fills Bill and Jack Caporal (filling in for Andrew)in on the USMCA. They also discuss the restart of U.S.-China talks, and Dr. Sabine Weyand's discussion earlier this week at CSIS headquarters.
Talk About An Unraveling with Steve Lamar
In this episode, the Trade Guys and Andrew welcome a special guest. Steve Lamar is the Executive Vice President of the American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA), and represents members before Congress and the Administration. They discuss how tariffs are affecting the apparel and footwear industry, and look ahead to the slated Trump-Xi meeting next week on the sidelines of the G20 meetings in Osaka.
Getting Back on Offense with Lesly McNitt
In this episode, Andrew and the Trade Guys welcome Lesly McNitt, Director of Public Policy for trade and biotechnology for the National Corn Growers Association. They discuss what she is hearing from corn growers, the administration, and Congress.
State of the Trading Union
In this episode of The Trade Guys, the State of the Union is front and center. After the address was pushed back a week because of the government shutdown, the president is expected to call on Congress to pass the USMCA. All this goes on as Congress drafts legislation to curb the president's current national security tariff powers. Will the president deliver a bipartisan message? What will he say about the US-China trade war?
US-China talks and the CBO Report
On this episode, the Trade Guys and Andrew cover a lot of ground as the US wraps up trade talks with China. Plus, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)’s 2019 Budget and Economic Outlook report reveals that the administration’s trade wars are hurting the US economy. How is Congress reacting? Will the administration take action?
Former Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Talks Trade
In this episode of The Trade Guys, host Andrew Schwartz talks to former Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Rep. Ros-Lehtinen was the most senior U.S. Representative from Florida in the 115th Congress, and the Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee from 2011-2013. Schwartz and former Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen discuss the politics of trade and the prospects for bipartisan cooperation in the 116th Congress.
Josh Bolten Joins the Trade Guys (Part I)
The Trade Guys kick off the new year by welcoming special guest, Josh Bolten, President and CEO of the Business Round Table (BRT). Bolten, Andrew, and the Trade Guys discuss what to expect in the trade world in 2019. Part I of their conversation includes their insights on the USMCA and the politics of trade.
Trade Truce?
In this episode, the Trade Guys breakdown the latest from the G20. President Trump and Xi Jinping settled on a 90-day trade truce. But will the temporary ceasefire last? Also up, the Guys analyze the president's moves on the USMCA, what's next for the agreement, and how Congress might react.

Structural Change or Blip?
Are political parties realigning on trade in what may well turn out to be a long-term structural change?

Midterm Election Results—What Did It Mean for Trade?
This week’s topic is obvious. The United States had midterm elections last week. What did it mean for trade? That is really two questions: what did the voters say about the president’s trade policy and what, if anything, is likely to change when the new Congress convenes in January?
The Dynamics of Trade with a Democratic House Majority
In this episode, the Trade Guys record in front of a live audience of members of the World Affairs Councils of America. On the agenda was the midterm elections and how the new Democratic majority in the House might affect the dynamics of trade policy. They also discussed tariffs, the USMCA, and more.
Midterm Elections and the Kiwi Ambassador Speaks
In this episode, the Trade Guys talk about how the midterm election results will affect trade policy. They also welcome the Honorable Tim Groser, New Zealand's Ambassador to the United States. Amb. Groser is one of the world's leading experts on international trade and was New Zealand's chief negotiator in the GATT Uruguay Round. Amb. Groser and the Guys discuss the CPTPP, the state of the WTO, China, and...the Donkey Theory of Management.

Will the Election Results Turn the Tide on Trade?
On November 6, voters flipped the House of Representatives away from Republican control into the hands of Democratic members. Republicans managed to strengthen their grip on the Senate. These developments will have implications for the administration’s trade policy agenda, although some questions remain given the evolving and unconventional political dynamics surrounding the issue.

New Trump Administration’s Trade Negotiations: What’s Next?
The Trump administration has formally notified Congress that it intends to negotiate trade agreements with the European Union, United Kingdom, and Japan. The Scholl Chair explores what the next steps for each party are and where the negotiations could lead.
Doing the USMCA
The Trade Guys unpack the deal to replace NAFTA: the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. What's in it, what does it say about the Trump administration's trade policy, and what's next for the new deal.

It is somewhat comforting to see that one of the worst things you can say about U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is that the new trade agreement replaces a term that everyone knows and can say with an unpronounceable acronym. How do you say USMCA? Even NAFTA 2.0 would sound better. Hard to pronounce though it may be, if that’s the worst one can say about the agreement, then the business communities in all three countries dodged a serious bullet.

Why Both Republicans and Democrats are Grumpy about Trade
Some interesting poll data has emerged over the past couple of weeks that merits some discussion. As usual, some of the most useful comes from the Pew Research Center and the intrepid Bruce Stokes, who has spent a lot of time over the past six years trying to understand what the American people think about trade and how that is changing.
Back from the Road: The Politics of Trade
The Trade Guys close out their September recording tour at home with a live audience of Customs and International Trade Bar Association lawyers and the public. The guys began with a conversation on the politics of trade ahead of the midterm elections. They also discussed China, NAFTA…and memes.

A 21st Century Trade War
The Trump administration has launched an unparalleled trade war with enemies and allies alike. But it’s been generations since our last true trade war. So how will this play out in our modern age, and what are the stakes?

Aren’t We All Free Traders?
Most politicians say they are free traders, but disagree over how to achieve free trade. The president's actions and statements have called into question whether he is indeed a free trader, and whether his method of making trade freer will pay off.

Steel and Aluminum Tariffs: A Push and Pull between the President and Congress
President Trump’s decision to impose steel and aluminum tariffs and his threat to put tariffs on automobiles and parts under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 have generated anxiety on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers have expressed concern about the economic impact of the tariffs as well as the legal foundation for them. Some have suggested reining in the president's tariff authority. What has been proposed, what are the chances meaningful action is taken, and is it a good idea for Congress to take back trade authority from the president?

Is Anybody Fighting Back?
As tariffs begin to stack up and the prospect of higher prices for consumers comes hurtling closer, the question of “Why isn’t anybody doing anything about” gets asked more and more. There is more than one answer to that question.
Counting Down to Tariff Time
The Trade Guys discuss the mayhem right before the United States pulls the trigger on imposing tariffs on China.
Goodbye to Harley Davidson and the WTO?
Trade Guys Bill Reinsch and Scott Miller discuss Harley Davidson’s decision to outsource some of their production and why it has upset the President.
Trade War Hitting A Fever Pitch
The Trade Guys, Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch put President Trump’s notion that trade wars are “good, and easy to win” to the test.
I Smell a Trade War
The Trade Guys, Bill Reinsch and Scott Miller, take on the Trump administration’s announcement that it will impose tariffs on $50 billion of goods from China, raising the potential for a trade war between the world’s two biggest economies.